the characters

the film’s audience

The most essential part of a film is knowing who your audience is going to be. For our film the target cinephiles include (but are not limited to) the highly persecuted sub cultures of:
Black Nerds
Black Middle Class
Black people that love heavy metal or classic rock or got made fun of for playing golf or being a science olympiad... Basically any Black person that grew up being referred to as a sellout or white, or an "oreo".
South Asians that were called “Coconuts”
Chinese “Bananas”
Native American “Apples”
Latinos that don’t speak their parents tongue.
For that matter, ALL 1st generation immigrants
LGBTQ that don't connect to their assigned stereotypes
and ALLLLLLL the Mixed kids far and wide
We also hope to foster a feeling of communal responsibility for the creation, support and dissemination of our film, so YOU being apart of this crowdfunding campaign are now key members of our audience as well. And who doesn't love a good music-driven flick? Classic rock fans out there, you're in for a treat!

First stop-- Film Festivals! We have a strong network of professionals to support us in the festival circuit. We believe our film is well suited for highly regarded festivals such as: Sundance, SXSW, Palm Springs and Tribeca Film Festivals. We’ll also submit to festivals focused on African-American Stories (ABFF, Martha’s Vineyard Af-Am Film Fest, Pan African Film Fest); as well as specifically targeting festivals on the “Short Film Qualifying List” for future Academy Award consideration.
Should we find the opportunity to be featured on a streaming platform after our festival run, we would be eager to participate. Ultimately we hope to use this short as a "proof of concept" for a future series.